Many people are often misinformed about title loans in Baker. They think they work a lot like personal loans from a bank, which is pretty far from the truth. To start with, banks almost always insist on knowing what the loan is for or how you are going to spend the money. That is just not true when it comes to title loans.
You are free to spend the money on anything you want like paying the rent, buying groceries or helping your kid with college expenses. People also assume they must have good to excellent credit like all the banks require, which isn’t correct either. At Louisiana Title Loans, we don’t really care if you have excellent, good or bad credit because it’s not part of our loan qualification process.
If you need cash now, you can apply for title loans in Louisiana using your auto title as collateral. Your credit rating is unimportant. Lastly, unlike banks that drag out the application process, we can approve loans in as little as a day and you’ll leave with cash in hand. You’ll also find every employee and loan agent to be courteous and helpful when going through the loan process.
Yes, there is little doubt that title loans are exceptionally easy to get. The process is simple, quick and direct. To get a loan you’ll need to apply, speak with a loan representative, get your vehicle inspected and close on the loan.
Applicants are welcome to learn about title loans in Baton Rouge on our website and apply online. It couldn’t be simpler.
Right after applying, you speak with a loan representative who will provide the answers to all your questions.
To satisfy the conditions of the loan, your vehicle is inspected to make sure it qualifies as collateral.
In less than 24 hours, you meet with your loan representative to tie up any last minute details, close the loan and collect your cash.
We only have five simple loan requirements, which are:
Most folks take two minutes or less to fill out our online application. You’ll need to fill out:
Within moments, you’ll receive your loan estimate. You are free to take time to evaluate whether the amount works with your budget and if it would be a good financial move for your situation.
Shortly, you’ll receive a phone call from a loan rep to discuss all the details of the loan such as your income, affordable payments and the length of the loan. To complete the transaction, you’ll give us the title to your vehicle, read and sign your contract and collect your cash to spend any way you desire.
Consumers are protected by Louisiana regulations that require the loan amount, interest rate, minimum payments, fees and due dates to be spelled out in a contract.
Louisiana Title Loans offers stress free service and low interest rates on title loans in Baker.