Financial hardship can happen to anyone and it can happen at any time. It can come suddenly and then could be a result of various actions, whether intentional or unintentional. No matter how you got into this situation of financial setbacks, you can get out. It is something that happens to the best of us and so, the next step is to find a way to fix it and not worry too much over it because worry is not an immediate solution. Instead, you need to look for the fastest way to solve your financial situation. No better and faster way to do this than with a title loan. Why? Title loans are fast because the lender does not use your credit as collateral, but uses a motor vehicle with free and clear title. For that reason, the time frame is quicker and since there is less paperwork necessary, it makes the process one of the fastest in the industry. Therefore, if you live in the city of Central in the state of Louisiana, you do not have to succumb to your financial state. You can obtain a title loan to get out of it. Don’t wait too long if you want a quick fix. Apply for a title loan today.
The city of Central is number thirteen on the list of largest cities located in the state of Louisiana. It is one of the newest cities that were incorporated by the residents since April 2005 and number two on the list of largest cities in the parish of East Baton Rouge. As soon as the city was incorporated a temporary mayor was assigned. He was former principal to the Central High School and his name, Shelton Watts. In 2006, voters chose him as the permanent mayor of the city. Learn more about the city of Central from the official city website.
Department of Motor Vehicle
The Small Loan Act in the state of Louisiana allows potential borrowers to obtain financing from a title loan lender. Loans cannot exceed $350 and have temporary terms up to two months. However, once the loan is paid down to 25%, the borrower can apply for another loan.
Department of Police
The Office of the Attorney General provides information to consumers in how to protect their rights. Consumers can also file complaints if they have had their rights violated. You can also get help from the state’s banking regulators including:
Larry Murray
There are several benefits to obtaining a title loan. If you have bad credit, for example, the lender doesn’t care because a credit check is not performed during the title loan application. The lender cares more about whether you have clear title to the vehicle and if you have income to repay the loan. You can use a title loan to also build or improve your credit over time as long as you pay your loan balance in a timely manner.
To obtain a title loan, you do not need a high credit rating. However, you will need to be 18 years or older. You also need to provide:
The state of Louisiana was affected by Hurricane Katrina several years ago. Since then, residents have fought to get back on track with their lives, physically and financially. Many have proved resilient while others are still facing financial hardships. If you are one of those persons who need urgent cash to overcome your financial issues, it is in your best interest to apply for a title loan and get the funds needed to move forward. Apply today!