Car title loans provide borrowers with the chance to get cash quickly, easily, and totally legally, all by simply having a car. The basics of title loans are simple. You keep the car, itself, when you borrow, but you use the vehicle’s title paperwork to secure your loan amount. The lender hangs onto the title for the duration of the loan, and once you have repaid everything in full the title comes right back to you. Using this method, borrowers can get up to half the value of their car in a matter of just hours.
There are a few types of short term loans out there, and all of them have their benefits. Where car title loans in New Orleans and Estelle really shine as short term loans is in their ability to help any borrower when they need it most. Since the value of the loan is in the car’s title, borrowers don’t need to worry about things like their credit score impacting whether or not they qualify for the loan. As long as you have a clean car title with no liens against it, there are car title loans in Estelle that can work for you.
What is even better is that car title loans are incredibly easy to get. Working with a bridge company like ours, you can find great loan terms from a secure lender in a matter of minutes. We have years of experience working with Louisiana lenders, so we know what a good loan should look like, and we know what lenders have their borrowers best interests at heart.
Using this experience, plus a little bit of information you provide about what you want in a loan and what type of vehicle will be securing the principal, we will hand match you with a car title loan from a local lender that residents trust. It only takes a few minutes for the whole process, and you could have your loan money in as little as a few hours after you apply. You can even work with our team online or over the phone at your convenience to make borrowing easier and more accessible for you.
It’s a simple, three step process. All you have to do is:
Regardless of whether you work with us or find a lender on your own, you have rights as a borrower that have been set down by the state to help keep you safe and comfortable while you get your loan. This means that any time you consider borrowing with a company, they need to provide you with a written agreement that breaks down loan terms, interest, fees, and all other pertinent information. Any lender that is not transparent in this is abusing your rights as a borrower and should be reported to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, as well as the Estelle Police Department. To learn more about Louisiana loan laws and your rights as a borrower, or to get started on a car title loan in Estelle, give us a call today.