If you’re stressed out about finances, perhaps a title loan is what you need. Title loans provide consumers who own vehicles with quick financing for temporary budgeting difficulties. With a title loan, a consumer can quickly and conveniently exchange their vehicle title for loan funds that can tide them over for a period of around two months.
Many consumers experience stress because they have a low credit score and aren’t able to take out a small loan when they need it. However, title loans Gardere are a great lifeline for these consumers.
At Louisiana Title Loans, the process of applying and being approved for a loan is straightforward and simple. Those interested in borrowing can easily access our application on our website. This application requires aspiring borrowers to answer basic personal questions and enter some information about their automobiles or motorcycles. We need to know what type of vehicle is being offered as collateral to determine whether or not we can offer a loan and how much the loan we offer will be for.
Once we receive an application, we review and get back to the applicant. If we offer a loan, we respond with loan terms that include the amount of the loan, the loan term, and what the interest rate on the loan will be.
Applicants do not automatically have to proceed with the loan at this point just because they have submitted an application. They can review the terms of the loan that has been offered and then decide whether or not they want to go through with the loan. They can also contact us with any questions or concerns they have before agreeing to the loan.
Title loans in Baton Rouge are subject to regulation according to state loan laws in Louisiana. In the state of Louisiana, there are basically only two requirement for title loans. First of all, title loans in the state must be offered for amounts of no less than $350. This means that Louisiana consumers should always be loaned at least $350 if they’re surrendering their title as collateral. The other legal requirement of title loans in the state is that they feature a loan term of at least two months. If you surrender your title for a loan in Louisiana, you should be given at least two months to pay back the loan and get back your vehicle title.
Title loans Gardere are unique loan products that can be enormously beneficial to a particular type of consumer. This type of loan is ideal for a would-be borrower who owns a vehicle but has poor credit. The following are the major benefits of this loan product offered by Louisiana Title Loans: