Financial hardships may make it close to impossible to pay off any of the bills you have coming up. Sometimes, getting a personal loan from a bank has higher interest rates than you expected and may even make put more of a stress in your finances. On the other hand, getting a title loan in Thibodaux is a good alternative to a common bank loan. These loans are also perfect for those of us who have little to no credit tied to our names, and need temporary financial help. Learn more about title loans by applying with us online, and see if you are qualified to borrow up to $1,350!
Instead of using your credit score to determine if you qualify to borrow money, title loan companies use your vehicle title and current market price of the car you own to determine if you may apply. Since your credit score is not needed, most title loan lenders do not check your credit report at all. In addition, one of the many benefits of getting this type of loan is that you will still be able to drive your vehicle while borrowing money.
The price of your vehicle can be evaluated based on the standards set by the Kelley Blue Book or NADA. There may be other factors that can decrease your loan amount, for example, if your vehicle is damaged, including minor dents or scratches, or if your vehicle has been involved in any sort of collision. As stated, you may be able to borrow up to $1,350, to find out more, simply apply online and get a free estimate!
Applying for a title loan is as easy as filling out the online form. The bulk of this form contains questions regarding your vehicle, such as: the make, year, model, style and mileage. With this free application, you will receive a free loan estimate, and a call from one of our loan representatives. They will be able to guide you through the steps you need from applying to the transaction. Please note that you do not have to follow through with getting a title loan even if you have finished and submitted one of our applications.
When applying for most loans, you have to be 18 years old or older in the state of Louisiana. You will need to provide your vehicle title, which can be obtained at a tag and title service such as:
Public Tag Agent
You will also need to bring some form of proof for your income and residency. If you are unemployed, or receiving government aid, you will be able to submit recent bank statements or other records of income. If you are self-employed, you will also be able to submit other forms of proof as long as you are receiving reliable monthly income in some way.